Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Still here!

Sorry for not posting. I was in management class for 3 weeks and there wasn't too much of interest going on. We did have a week where we explored the world of wines complete with wine tastings so that was pretty cool. we also had 2 field trips. The first was to a coffee roasters and the second was to a brewery/restaurant nearby.

The Coffee roasters was pretty cool. they had tons of stuff and being a tea drinker I was much more interested in their teas. They had a special tea set there where the teapot was a small clear glass pot that used special tea leaf bundles that when steeped would bloom like a flower. One of these days i may get around to trying it. Hopefully the taste will be as good as the view.

The Brewery was Rock Bottom Brewery and was quite interesting. While they do have the restaurant they also have the whole brewery on premises and is under the control of the brewmaster allowing him plenty of control to experiment with different brewing techniques. while he did have 2 beers they keep on tap at all times he had about 7 that were all experiments of his and we got to try them all. He even had one that after he had brewed it he aged it in an (if I remember correctly) oak barrel that was used to make bourbon imparting the flavor into the beer. That one had a heck of a kick to it.

The one other item of note during management class is I took the serv safe exam and passed giving me a card showing I have the necessary safety knowledge to run a restaurant. This has the potential of opening up some more positions to me.

After that I started working in Du Jour on the line and things got busy! Its been tough but a lot of fun and Chef Villarico is an awesome teacher. Since we only offer lunch service its quite similar to the pilots saying of "flying its multiple hours of sheer boredom followed by a few minutes of sheer terror" though for us its a few hours of prep work followed by an hour and a half of "GET THAT FOOD OUT!" and that time flies by. Whatever station It kind of seemed like the patrons found a way to target me. I worked the fish/pasta station yesterday and got slammed with orders for both. I think I fed most of our diners that day. Another day I was on Grill station and we had a high school tour come through and they had lunch as well. I think I put out over 20 steaks while there was 2 orders of pasta and 4 of chicken...

Oh well, i'll just keep on truckin as usual. next up will be front of the house. not something you would normally think of doing at a culinary school but they want to make sure we have a full education of what it takes to work at and run a restaurant. So, bring it on!

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