Monday, August 16, 2010

Basics passed!

I have made it through basics and started my first day of Baking. Practicals week went alright but i did have some issues with my tests. I passed but I could have done better. I haven't gotten my grades yet, though. I guess I will just have to keep on practicing my skills!

Last Friday our tests were finally over and all we had left was cooking breakfast for the entire school. It was quite a bit of fun. I ended up getting assigned to making sautéed potatoes with onions and bell peppers. I had a little bit of trouble with my first batch as my flame was too high so my onions started to char before the potatoes cooked fully. it was a little darker than the rest of the batch but it was all being mixed together so it was salvageable. After that I had it locked and the rest turned out perfectly. Many people ended up complimenting our potatoes so I was happy about that.

After that our class formed a plating line while the other basics class started making French omelets filled with sautéed onions, bell peppers, mushrooms and grated cheese. the plating line basically just put all of the ingredients we had made ahead of time and added it to the plate as a successful omelet was made. we added salsa, fruit cups, sausage, bacon and the potatoes. cleaned the dish of smudges or fingerprints with a clean rag dipped in a bit of warm water and distilled white vinegar and gave it to the Du Jour class wait staff to serve throughout the school.

Eventually we switched places and our class started to make omelets but the other basics class did an amazing job and got out most of the orders. In the end I made one omelet I browned a little too much so it couldn't be served. The next one i made was perfect but soon after putting it on the plate I was informed all orders were filled so I should keep it for my own meal, which I did. It and everything else plated with it was very tasty. After that all that was left of the day was breaking down and cleaning the kitchen, a written test and a quick introduction to our baking instructor and the course.

Monday Started off with more lecture getting to know our new kitchen and our instructor. We did get some cooking in later in the day but most of it was mise en place for the following day. i was assigned to the dessert station so we broke up the jobs between us. Together we made apple pie filling, chocolate chip cookie dough ready to go in the oven tomorrow, a few doughs for pie crusts, and creme brulee filling. I made the creme brulee filling and Chef Foote decided to go ahead and bake them today so I decided to stay a bit after to see how they turned out. they really wont be completely done until they have cooled overnight. Chef Foote said they looked a little too soft but they were starting to brown on top so we had to take them out. We wont know if they were solid enough until tomorrow. Once I see the final product I will try to remember to get a photo of it to show off here. I have a Feeling I am really going to like the Bakery, just as I thought I would.

Now that classes will be a bit calmer I will try to post more often but until then thats it for now!

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